Monday, June 23, 2014


how do you prepare for a huge, your life will never be the same kind of event?? I suppose you can't. I feel like it was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant on that chilly November day in the mountains. and NOW, it is almost July (and far from chilly I might add!) and we are about to have a baby! this moment has always seemed so far away, it's a surreal feeling. 

I am beyond sentimental at this point. everything is a big deal these days and I am really trying not to rush any part of this pregnancy.  my hubby said the other day...'I think you are really going to miss being pregnant.' ...his statement kinda left me breathless...not really sure why, but I think mostly because I know he is very right. I pray to not be one of those 'please get this baby out of me' type of women. because I know even though holding that sweet baby in my arms for the first time will be amazing... I will still miss feeling it move inside me and being able to take it anywhere and everywhere I go. It has been all mine for the past 9 months and now it will be time for me to share it with the world. will I be ready for that?! I can't stop thinking about how in a few short weeks, I will never be pregnant again for the first time, I will never get that time back. all the 'firsts' of pregnancy, first baby, etc. will be 'seconds' the next time around. (if the Lord blesses us with a second time around that is). therefore, I am really trying to embrace this pregnancy and enjoy every moment. I have so loved being pregnant (not every woman can honestly say that) and I am very thankful for that. and thankful that the Lord has allowed me to experience being pregnant. it is pretty amazing.  

I apologize for pouring my heart out but it feels so nice to have it all out there. and I think I will love looking back on this one day and knowing that I did enjoy this time so much.

so. many. emotions.

thanks for letting me share. please keep up the prayers as we are drawing near to the big day!
