Friday, January 25, 2013

a nutshell

just a quick post today sharing one of my favorite Christmas presents from my mom...the most adorable, helpful book!!

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it has such originial, unique ideas...while I was thumbing through it, I took some quick snaps of some of my favorite ideas so that you all could have a sneak peek :)

super space savy kitchen

turning a painting into a side table

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bedroom loft

a 'book nook'

I love her theme in the book to "delight, dazzle, and divert"...meaning if you fancy a small area up enough people won't notice how tiny it really is! I also like it because it is a way of making the most of what you have, and taking great care of things you do have. great reminder because I could really do better about this...

 P.S...could be a GREAT gift for anyone in college or just out on their own, in a first apartment, etc.

have a happy day!

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